Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Stars: They're Just Like Us

First of all, I need to address the rumors-

YES, I was in the hospital Friday.

NO, it was not exhaustion or alcohol poisoning as you may have heard.

NO, I'm not addicted to drugs.

NO, it was not a suicide attempt.

I noticed a strange lump in my nippular region a while ago and Friday marked my third visit in the quest for a diagnosis. Finally, after weeks of mystery, it has been diagnosed as a hormone-related breast tissue growth. Things took a turn for the worst when the doctors wanted to perform a fine-needle aspiration to verify. Translation: stick a needle...in my nipple. Needless to say, I quickly re-robed and was out of there. I would rather snort coke off of my dead grandmother than let my nipple get anywhere near a needle.

YES, YOU CAUGHT ME. I have imperfections just like everybody else.

But this won't stop me from becoming a star. Duh.

Keep watching,


P.S. Special thanks to Poon for her genius contributions to this post. Shawty, you're the greatest Poon I know.


  1. this account of your nippular drama only leaves me craving more. SATISFY MY CRAVING, BKUZ !
