Wednesday, March 10, 2010

And the Oscar goes to...


(Wild applause ensues)

Oh wowww.

I always expected to grace this stage someday, but I never knew it would feel this good.

First and foremost, I need to thank (choking up)….God. Our heavenly father. Without him, none of us would be here to celebrate all of the talent on this stage.

I need to of course mention the Academy, who has now shown me that to truly feel like a winner, one must win this award.

I’m just honored to be a part of this category with the all of the slightly less talented people who didn’t win.

Oh don’t play the music! Please…

Mrs. Dreyer, my first grade teacher. Thanks for teaching me how to form a sentence.

For Linda- that one time I dropped my egg salad sandwich on the sidewalk and you brought me a new one.

And for all the ugly people out there- thank you for continually making me feel great about myself. And also, I’m sorry for your unfortunate condition.



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